Descendants of John Baptist Buckman of St. Mary's County, Maryland

The first generation we know is John Buckman "Immigrant" husband of Suzanna Smith b about 1690 in Lincolnshire, England. From Sr. Mary Louise Donnelly book THE BUCKMAN FAMILY OF MD & KY:

"Records housed in the Hall of Records at Annapolis, MD show that John Buckman and his wife, Suzanna, were in the province of MD by 1718 at which time they were testors for the will (15:315) of George Short, planter of Charles Co., MD.

John Buckman and Peter Attwood (a Jesuit priest) recd personalty in the will (19:891) of Joseph Boarman which was probated in Charles Co., MD on 4/13/1730. On 12/5/1753 John Buckman recd 50 lbs of tobacco from the estate of John Bould (Accounts 36:24) In the Calendar of Maryland State Papers (X:163) dated 1760 John Buckman is listed with a group of subscribers from St. Mary's Co. who donated to the "sufferers from the Boston fire." The donation was asked by James Ashby a Jesuit who served at Newtown from 1757-1758 and from 1766-1767."

Revision Date: 6 February 2017

Web Site Users: Please note that this site is based on a book by Sister Mary Louise Donnelly published in 1979.  In her Preface she wrote; "My joy comes from sharing with you THE BUCKMAN FAMILY OF MARYLAND AND KENTUCKY.  I hope the Buckman family history I have compiled will inspire others to complete their own lines."  Sister Mary Louise Donnelly

I am offering this web site to the descendents of John Buckman in the spirit of Sister Mary Louise.  I am making no money from this site and ask only that you report any errors or omissions so that the site can be accurate and as complete as possible.  At the time of publication in February, 2017, the site contains only a small portion of the original book.  It is my intention to complete as much as possible as I have available time.  In the meantime you can forward corrections and additions to me at

I have been unable to reach Sister Mary Louise or her heirs but ask that if anyone has any objection to this project please contact me at your convenience.  I know that Sister Mary Louise invested significant time and money to the publication of her book and ask her to consider this a gift to her and her memory.

At the present time, you will need to randomly try the links from the First Generation Page to trace lineage to today.  At a future date, I may add an index and links to reverse access through parents names to each known ancestor.

"BUCKMAN is an English surname.  Surnames or family names became common during the middle ages.  For the English many surnames were derived from the trade practices.  J.R. Dolan in his book, ENGLISH ANCESTRAL NAMES (p 354) gives the following account for the name BUCKMAN, "Books were very precious in the Middle Ages.  They had to be either written or hand-lettered with quill pens and brusches.  When this was done, the pages of vellum would be gathered together in a binding.  The names that came from the ancient craft of bookbinding are not numerous because very few men followed that craft."  Later in his book (p 360) Mr. Dolan states that the names derived from the book binding trade were Binder, Blocker and BUCKMAN."  Sister Mary Louise

Buckman Coat of Arms
Buckman Coat of Arms from...
This site is organized by generation consisting of approximately twenty - thirty years each. You can view the site chronologically by starting with Generation One or by selecting a specific generation; for example, Matthew Lee BUCKMAN, publisher of this site in 2017 may be reached in Generation Seven, by clicking on his link.